Food Security & Food Waste YPO Webinar

On April 17th, 2024, we (YPO’s Social Impact Network) hosted an empowering online session, that explored the critical issues of food security, waste management, and sustainability on a global scale. Kirk Haney (YPO Gold), the Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Radicle Growth, and Andrew McCue, Sustainability Consultant at Metabolic, lead the discussion, offering actionable insights for YPOers and YNGers to integrate into their daily lives and businesses.

As the YNG Food Security Champion for YPO’s Social Impact Network, I wanted to create an online event filled with interesting information, from a fresh perspective, and an interactive element (breakout rooms to formulate your personal food-related “moonshots”) to engage the audience. Ultimately, I wanted attendees to be motivated to take action and make a difference in their daily lives. To support this goal, we created a PDF with a list of action items and a roadmap so that they were left with tangible takeaways.

If this sounds interesting to you and you are a member of YPO, feel free to check out the recording.

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