I completed my capstone project (see ‘Bachelor Thesis’ tab on my website) with the Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) on their ‘Food Scraps Drop-off Pilot Program’.

My community partner, the COG, will be using my executive summary, report, and some other pieces in the application process to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). My work will also be used as the foundation going forward as the COG applies for grants and other funding sources. Next semester (2024) a Penn State senior will work together with the COG, building upon my findings to work towards a permanent food scraps drop-off program.

“Thank you for all your hard work on this project. Once again, I congratulate you and want you to know how much I appreciate the comprehensive and useful nature of the work you have done (Mato, COG Refuse & Recycling Administrator, 2023)”.




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