
Shana Murphy: passionate about all things about sustainability, from food waste to green building practices.

My versatile experiences have brought me wanting to dedicate my life to trying to make the world a better place for all. I have lived in many parts of the world. I moved to the island of Bermuda as a child, and my love of the ocean and its creatures can surely be traced back to those beginnings. There I learned the importance of water conservation, human impacts on biodiversity, and saving the ocean. In my teenage years, I moved to Hollywood, CA, where I pursued an acting career. This heightened my natural empathetic nature, as during my script studies, I gained insights into the lives of many different characters. At the end of my time in Hollywood, I was invited into the non-profit sector and began working for Arts Bridging the Gap. This gave me a greater sense of purpose and a new direction for my life. After concluding my gap year, 3 months of which I spent in Zimbabwe, I wanted to create my own major at Dickinson University, PA, called ‘sustainable social change’. This time in Zimbabwe, and my earlier experiences in El Salvador, were pivotal in shaping this major. I had always had a strong desire to grow up and help people, but not with an arrogant ‘white savior’ mentality, but rather, helping people help themselves. Maybe this was influenced by my Montessori days.

I was on this path when I had a major stroke, leaving me unable to communicate. This was the most pivotal moment of my life, turning it upside-down in a split second. It left me not knowing how life would continue and if I would ever return to the ‘old’ Shana. I had to learn how to write and speak again, and I finally regained my strength after a few years, which allowed me to continue studying. This time, full speed ahead, doing 3 semesters per year, majoring in Energy and Sustainability Policy (Bachelor of Science), with a minor in Energy Business and Finance. I have learned to make the best out of each situation and have proven my resilience and determination in the face of much adversity.
